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Get Amazing New Year’s Eve Celebration on Your Own

New Year’s Eve is right around the corner: people are rushing to buy last presents, finish the last preparation for the celebration or finalize the arrangements with friends and family regarding the celebration. But if it happened so or it was your decision to celebrate New Year’s Eve on your own, it is not a reason to feel sad or bored. Here you will find a couple of ideas of how to arrange an amazing holiday for yourself!

Have you ever actually realized that there are some benefits of celebrating all alone? Among them are:

  • you do not need to spend a lot of time and energy on food preparation;
  • and so you will not have to spend ages in long queues in grocery stores;
  • you may not waste your energy on choosing your outfit;
  • and the most precious one - you can do whatever you want: watch the film you want, play video games,  listen to the music you like, read your favorite book without taking your pajamas off, do anything else you like or allow yourself doing nothing if that is really what you want.

As we now know some of the benefits of celebrating New Year’s Eve on your own, let’s talk a bit about how to amuse yourself. If you prefer to celebration at home, you can do all or some of the following:

  1. Prepare the place for celebration. Rearrange your home (and yes, why not do it on December 31?)  and start the New Year with a new design: reshuffle your furniture, clean and rearrange your house, and of course decorate it. House decoration will tune you in the festive mood and will immediately make you feel happier.
  2. Choose your favorite food. This is also one of the benefits of celebration all alone - you can pick up your favorite dishes and treat yourself with what you love the most. Or play a bit with mixology - try these Christmas cocktails and play a bartender role for this night!
  3. Prepare the presents for the beloved self. New Year’s Eve celebration is the perfect time to buy something nice for yourself. Why not buy something you have been dreaming about for a while?  Wrap your gift in a beautiful package and put it under the Christmas tree. Although it won’t be a surprise present, it will definitely elevate your mood.
  4. Think of your plans for the future. Make a to-do or a wish list and think about what you have achieved this year.
  5. Relax. Try to get rid of sad or dull thoughts, any bad memories and stress, but instead think of how to devote this day to yourself. Watch your favorite film or take a bubble bath or arrange aroma therapy. It could also be a great idea to make a digital detox over the New Year period - it will give you space to think of what makes you happy, what is important for you, what you want or need as well as it will allow you to break for a while of the often anxiety-inducing news.
  6. Do something that sparks joy. Have you dreamt of doing something, but never had time for it? It is the best time to realize your dream. Try doing something new - from taking painting or dancing classes, knitting or embroidery or furniture restoration - anything else that you would enjoy.
  7. Arrange a Zoom or Skype party with your family or friends. It can be a great solution if for some reason you cannot travel to them, they will definitely be happy to support you. You can play some virtual games (like Bingo or Charades), have a virtual party (it could be a cocktail or wine tasting party), or watch a virtual event together.
  8. Write to your family and friends. Recall the old tradition, and write a letter by hand - tell them about how you spent this year, about your plans or dreams or how much you miss them. Later, you can either send that letter or share your experience of writing them. Otherwise, sign the postcard and send it by post - your family and friends will be greatly surprised and will appreciate it. Or prepare the electronic greeting card - you can test your creativity and add your spices to the downloaded card by editing it. 

If you need socializing and do not feel like staying at home, then try any of the following:

  1. Go out for a walk in a park or city sightseeing (even if you live in that city all your life, most likely you have not been to that museum or district for a long time or maybe ever). Or go skating - in many cities skating places are arranged in city centers which is very convenient.
  2. Try to find a party in your location - and who knows, maybe you will be able to meet amazing new friends? Look for the events around you - restaurants, bars, Facebook. 
  3. Try to volunteer at local food banks, nursing homes or animal shelters. Our brain is wired to get pleasure from giving - make yourself happier by helping others.
  4. A great idea could be to go for an adventurous trip - have you ever done anything crazy in your life? Why not try and go for this last minute trip? That will shake you up and will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Happy New Year!

Photo by Samantha Hurley

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