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Tips On Washing


Probably, washing is not our most favorite activity.  But what can we do?  - All of us have to do it anyway and in this post we are going to give you some handy tips on how to get the most while doing it.

1. Load your washing machine optimally

The ideal approach is to load the washing machine by no more than 80%. If you overload the washing machine with laundry, it will not wash properly. On the other hand, if there are too few items in the drum, they will deteriorate faster due to mechanical actions. 

2. Choose water temperature smartly

Hot water can be used for bedding and towels produced of natural fabrics like cotton or for heavily stained work clothes (especially with oil or grease stains). A water temperature of 40-60C is considered to be optimal for washing this kind of laundry. This temperature allows disinfecting and removing impurities. Washing in cold water is not recommended as it does not help in getting rid of bacteria and dust mites on bed linen and towels. On the other hand, you would also want to avoid washing in too hot water as doing so may damage fabrics in your favorite things and discolor it. 

For delicate fabrics, fabrics that might shrink or bleed and bright or dark colored items, choose cold water. Moderately soiled clothing and synthetic fabrics should be washed in warm water.

3. Avoid wrinkles 

Most likely you do not want to spend a lot of time on ironing. For minimizing wrinkles on the clothing, soften the fabric with vinegar or softener. If you use the dryer, select the lowest temperature and remove clothing from the dryer as quickly as possible and either hang it or fold.

4. Soften the fabric

Instead of a conditioner, which makes towels stiffer with time, hotel staff use white or apple vinegar. Add 100 ml of vinegar while rinsing to soften the laundry and avoid marks from detergent. Under no circumstances  mix washing powder with vinegar but pour it directly into the washing machine before washing. Vinegar can also help you remove yellow sweat stains on clothes. For these purposes, wash the contaminated area in apple cider vinegar before washing. Then, to strengthen the effect, wash things with the addition of vinegar in the washing machine. Besides being a great stain killer, vinegar can help  remove unpleasant odors.

5. Dry your laundry in a proper way

Experts recommend to dry laundry outdoors in the sun whenever possible. If you have to use a dryer, place a tennis ball in the drum to make the towels fluffy. But skip the dryer for winter sweaters to maintain their shape.

6. Pay special care to washing your underwear

Bras and delicate undergarments are best to wash by hand if you want to preserve their shape and make them last longer. If you still want to use the washer, then use the mesh lingerie bag and select a delicate cycle on your washing machine.

7. Unshrink clothes

If your clothing item shrank, soak it in lukewarm water with a bit of baby shampoo - this will allow the fiber to relax and stretch.

8. Avoid color fading

While washing bright or dark colored clothes, add a teaspoon of salt - it will allow color to last longer. Washing such items inside out will also help maintain color.

9. Try these effective approaches to remove coffee, wine and other stains 

Depending on the type of stains, you can do one of the following:

  • Removing coffee and wine stains 

Soak your laundry for an hour in water with salt (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water) before putting it into the washing machine. 

  • Removing yellow stains 

Soda will help remove yellow stains from white cloth and get rid of unpleasant odors. Add half a cup of baking soda to laundry detergent or laundry soap and wash your laundry in hot water

  • Removing fresh oil stains 

Sprinkle fresh oil or grease stains with salt, sugar substitute or starch, then simply wash.

  • Removing tomato stains

WD-40 will help remove traces of tomato juice and sauce. Apply it on the stain and leave it on for 5-10 minutes, then wash it in cold water.

In case you do not have WD-40 at your disposal and the stain is still fresh, you can do one of the following:

  • Put the cloth in the sink. Pour boiling water over the stain. The stain from the tomato will lighten on the eyes. If it did not have time to dry, the pigment is not yet absorbed. You do not need to rub hard, but rather after this procedure wash the piece of clothes or linen in the machine. Note! It is possible to get rid of stains on clothes with boiling water provided that fabrics do not fade, contacting with hot water. So, for example, if you have bright jeans, do not use this method! Denim is lightened by contact with boiling water.
  • If the stains exist for no longer than 10 minutes, use carbonated mineral water without dyes. This method is well suited for emergency treatment of clothes made of wool or cotton on a picnic. Put the cloth with the stain into water and moisten thoroughly. Rub by hand and lather with any soap (if any). Rinse. The carbon dioxide gas in the sparkling water acts similarly to the oxygen contained in the stain remover and as a result removes the tomatoes from the colored and white clothes without damaging the structure of the fabric.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to get rid of a stain right away, you will have to use more powerful means to remove that stain from the fabric. Pour a bit of vinegar on the stain. Leave the cloth for a while and then wash with soap or dishwashing detergent. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to mix vinegar 1: 1 with ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and combine with salt, making a paste-like mixture. Wash your item with this mixture.
10. Clean your washing machine regularly

Your washing machine also needs to be cleaned regularly. Every couple of months, pour a liter of white vinegar and a cup of soda and select the largest load and hottest water. Let the machine run for a minute or two and then pause for about an hour. After an hour, let the machine complete the cycle. 


Photo by Farah
