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Why to Sleep in Socks?

Have you heard of the recommendation of sleeping in socks? Some people really can't sleep barefooted, while the idea of sleeping in socks may seem weird to the others.

The researchers state that there is a linkage between the body temperature and the quality of sleeping. The quality of sleep in its turn defines how you feel in the morning and your productivity during the entire day. 

It turns out that those people who warm their feet before going to bed fall asleep faster and the quality of sleep is higher. The higher quality of sleep is achieved due to the correct temperature regulation. It is proven that people who sleep warmly and comfortably wake up less during the night, which makes their sleep deeper and longer. As a result, such people feel more energized in the morning and can quickly get into working mode.

Warming the feet helps to widen the blood vessels and the results the person warms up faster. At the same time, the internal temperature starts to decrease gradually. This process helps the body to relax and sends the message to the body that it is time to fall asleep. 

During the winter season your feet and hands become cold faster and are the last ones to get warm. This is due to the important body task of heat regulation: as the blood vessels tighten the blood circulation lowers on the periphery and as a result the blood temperature falls less allowing retaining heat in more important organs than the feet and palms. That is why by warming your feet you can avoid body microstress. The most important recommendation is that you do not need to overdo it - you need to warm your feet in such a way that it is comfortable for you.

There are some benefits of sleeping in socks.

  1. You can fall asleep faster

Experts from the National Sleep Foundation in the US explain that warming of the feet acts as a signal that it's time to sleep. Their conclusion is based on the study conducted specifically on this topic in 2007. Researchers divided the participants into two groups: one of them slept in socks, and the other without. As a result, the volunteers, whose feet were warm, fell asleep faster.

  1. You can take care of your feet

After shower before going to bed, apply a moisturizer or lotion and put on cotton socks. You will see the result after the first procedure - your skin on the heels will become much softer.

  1. You can elevate your mood

In Chinese medicine, it is believed that cold pulls out all vital energy from the body, while warm socks fill you with positive energy and improve blood circulation.

  1. You can get brighter feelings from sex

In the study conducted in 2005 by the researchers at the University of Groningen in Netherland, one group of women had sex with socks on and the other without. It turned out that 80% of participants from the first group experienced brighter orgasm. 


Alternatives to Socks

It might be the case that you do realize the benefits of sleeping in socks, however this option is still not acceptable for you. There are some other options you can choose from. Taking a warm bath or hot foot bath before going to bed can relax you and signal your body that it is time for rest. During sleep, make sure you warm up your feet: put a warmer or cover your feet with an additional blanket.

Besides that you improve your sleep and health by such activities as going to thermal baths and saunas, training in the fresh air and even regular walking helps to cope with all the  difficulties in microcirculation.


Photo by Matthew Henry

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