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Things You Should Do by the End of the Year


In many cultures, New Year's Eve is the symbolic milestone when people sum up their achievements and come up with plans and goals for the future. Here are some tips on how to improve your mood and get filled with positive energy in order to kick off the new year on a positive note.

     1. Finish your current outstanding projects

Unless it is a really long lasting project, finish as many projects as you can by the end of the year. One of such small projects can be decluttering your house, which will not only help you to get prepared for holidays, but also make your house more organized and yourself happier. You may also think of returning your debts: even if you do not pay back everything, but only small ones, you will feel much freer.  This will let you  start the coming new year from scratch and be proud of yourself saying goodbye to the old year.

     2. Get rid of bad habits

Many people set new year resolutions such as starting exercising or eating healthier, quitting smoking or procrastinating. However, it makes sense to start preparing to give up your bad habits right now. We are especially relaxed and are prone to giving ourselves a treat during holidays. But if you start earlier, your body and brain will have time to build a new routine or adjust to a new and better habit. Don’t wait for next Monday, next month or first of January to start a better life - start right now.

     3. Let the past go

The end of the year is the perfect time to break the relationship with those people who make you unhappy: whether these people are your former partners, pseudo-friends or envying relatives. You do not need to have in your life those people who do not value you or do not care about you. Leave your bad memories behind - they have no power to determine who you are or what is going to be your future.

     4. Make a list of tasks and goals for the next year

Update your to do list for the next year - include things you did not manage to finish this year or the priorities you have now. 

     5. Decorate your house for Christmas and New Year

Decorating your house is not only a nice tradition, but can be a great de-stressing exercise and will greatly improve your mood.

     6. Buy presents for your friends and family

Gift giving makes us happy and there are several reasons for that. Firstly, giving produces endorphins, which make us happier. As neurologists suggest this is so because our brains are wired to derive pleasure from giving. A good present can also help maintain or even improve our relationships with others. Remember, your gifts do not necessarily need to be expensive, but rather thoughtful. The best gifts are not those which are lavish but rather those which make us happy and allow us to connect with someone we care about. 

     7. Realize your dream or make yourself unexpected present 

Have you been dreaming about a trip? You still have time to realize that. You can also buy yourself a new piece of clothes or a new thing you have been dreaming about. Or go to your favorite restaurant or cafe, theater or opera. Or get together with friends and go skating - enjoy and have a lot of fun!


Photo by Nicole De Khors

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